Avapose.Barcode Generator for Local Reports
- Compatible with .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0
- Create and print quality Code 128 barcodes in client report definition (rdlc) files
- Reliable Code 128 barcode generator component for .NET applications
Code 128 Generation in RDLC Report
- Automate Code 128 barcode generation on Report Definition Language Client-Side report
- Maintain Code 128 barcode images on exported PDF and html
- Barcode height, width, X-dimension, margins properties could be modified by written C# or .NET codes
- Create & save barcodes in image files & the memory for Client RDLC reports
- Support Code 128, Code 128 Code Set A, Code 128 Code Set B and Code 128 Code Set C generation
- Entirely developed in Visual C# 2005
- Create accurate ISO compliant barcode based on ISO / IEC 15417
- Compliant with .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 and advanced versions
Avapose.Barcode for RDLC control is a fully-integrated visual barcode designer for barcode automation purpose in Report Definition Language Client-Side report. This barcode control support Microsoft Report Definition Language scenarios such as Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010 ReportViewer Local Reports (RDLC). Free trial package and VB & C# .NET sample codes are provided.
.NET Barcode Control for RDLC - Code 128 Information
Code 128 is a linear, self-checking, continues, linear symbology barcode. It is a very effective and reliable barcode which is appended with a mandatory checksum digit. Code 128 is capable of encoding high-density data including Full 128 ASCII. Code 128 has three unique data character code sets: A, B, and C, each comprising a subset of the ISO/IEC 646 IRV character set together with various auxiliary characters.
Code 128 Barcode Generator Control for Client RDLC Report is able to encode:
- Standard ASCII values: 0-128;
- Extended ASCII Values in accordance with ISO 8859-1: 128-255
.NET Barcode SDK for Client-side Reporting - Code 128 Generation
This part specifies the requirements before using .NET Control for RDLC:
- Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, 2008 or 2010
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2008 or 2010
- .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and advanced version
- Avapose.Barcode for RDLC
Create RDLC Report Project in Visual Studio
- Start Visual Studio and create Windows Application project with name "RDLCBarcodeDemo".
- Create a new DataSet and entitle it as "AdventureWorks.xsd".
- Swith to "Pointer" and display the toolbox, and then drag and drop "TableAdapter" to your created DataSet.
- Create a connection to the AdventureWorks SQL Server Database sample and click Next. Then Choose "Use SQL statements" and click Next.
- Enter the following SQL Statement "SELECT ProductID, Name FROM Production.vProductAndDescription WHERE (CultureID = N'en')" and click Finish button.
Create Barcode Images in RDLC Report Project
- Add a new custom column in the DataTable name it "Barcode". Move to the Properties panel and change data type of "Barcode" column to "System.Byte[]" by manually typing it. Then save the "AdventureWorks.xsd".
- Create a new report and name it "Report1.rdlc".
- Drag and drop a Table from the "Report Items" to report and add 3 columns in DataSet "AdventureWorks.xsd" to the report table.
- Drag and drop an Image item to the "Barcode" column and setting the properties of image: Set "MIMEType" to "image/jpeg" , "Source" to "Database" and "Value" to "=Fields!Barcode.Value" . Then save the report.
- Open the Windows Forms and insert Report Viewer control on the form then choose your created report "Report1.rdlc"
- Copy the VB or C# .NET sample code below into the method Form1_Load, and then run the Windows application.
C# code
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// load data to the data table this.vProductAndDescriptionTableAdapter.Fill
// create a linear barcode object
Linear barcode = new Linear();
// set barcode type
barcode.LinearBarcode = LinearBarcode.Code128;
// draw barcodes for each data row
foreach (AdventureWorks.vProductAndDescriptionRow
row in this.AdventureWorks.vProductAndDescription.Rows)
{// set barcode encoding data value
barcode.Data = row.ProductID.ToString();
// set drawing barcode image format
barcode.Format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg;
row.Barcode = barcode.drawBarcodeAsBytes();
VB code
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender
As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code
loads data into the 'AdventureWorks.vProductAndDescription' table.
You can move, or remove it, as needed.
Dim barcode As New Linear()
barcode.LinearBarcode = LinearBarcode.Code128
Dim row As AdventureWorks.vProductAndDescriptionRow
For Each row In Me.AdventureWorks.vProductAndDescription.Rows
' set barcode encoding data value
barcode.Data = row.ProductID.ToString()
' set drawing barcode image format
barcode.Format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png
row.Barcode = barcode.drawBarcodeAsBytes()
End Sub
Related Code128 Barcode Integration & Generation Information
The following Code128 barcode integration and creation information links relate to this product that may be of interest to you: